It has been a very busy time in our lives. Our Sami did indeed have surgery. He actually had PET, MRI, 1st opinion, 2nd opinion, surgery, post-op, pathology, post-op. We now wait for the next MRI coming up next month. We will stay positive that this tumor never returns and the ones on his spine do not grow. But if they do there will already be a treatment developed to deal with them. It can be done. I thought I would write a little from his perspective. He awoke from surgery and asked the surgeon, " Did you get the tumor out?" He then asked to see it. He very much wanted to bring the tumor to his science class as he just knew his teacher Miss Becky would really want to see it. Sami has such an energy about him it is infectious. He later told me he no longer has NF he only has N because the surgery got rid of the F. He is very happy this tumor is out and put away his special blanket my aunt sent him. He wrapped himself in it during the whole ordeal nightly saying it protected him and was healing him. Afterwards, he said he does not need it now but will use it again if he gets another tumor. So, our Sami does at the young age of seven understands what NF means. We his family are amazed by his spirit.