Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Little's BIG Social Advocacy Effort

Social Advocacy Efforts
By Kimberly Klessig, Masters of Social Work Intern at the Littlest Tumor Foundation

Over the past few months, we at the Littlest Tumor Foundation have been working extremely hard advocating for support through the Federally Funded Neurofibromatosis Research Program. Through this process, it was great to be able to spread awareness at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Green  Bay campus. There, we obtained signatures from students and staff members who showed their support to continue NF funding by sending a letter of support to their legislators. Other people also signed the letter in support of our cause; I reached out to family, co-workers, and classmates.
   Within a few weeks, we obtained 2,822 signatures and after sending letters of support there were four representatives that signed on! Last year, ZERO of the representatives signed and this year HALF of Wisconsin district representatives signed for their support! This was a HUGE accomplishment!
I also talked to campus organizations such as Circle K, Titan Volunteers and the Social Justice Club. All of these groups took interest in either volunteering, being educated about neurofibromatosis and/or agreeing to participate in future advocacy efforts next year for campaigning and outreaching to the larger community.
Other advocacy initiatives included my supervisor going to Washington D.C.  where she spoke with the staffers directly about neurofibromatosis. I contacted the Wisconsin legislative individuals, who signed in support for NF Funding, to have them hold a “tumors in children we do not like them" sign.
Although it took a lot of time and effort I found that…ADVOCACY WORKS!! I will continue to advocate for NF by continuing to educate and present at a variety of organizations, businesses and community. My dream is to someday have helped in making a difference for NF families!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Little Walks for 24 hours

On Friday May 4, 2012, we at the Littlest Tumor Foundation kicked off NF awareness month with our 24-hour walk up and down College Ave. in Appleton, Wis. This year we started at 10 a.m. Friday morning and walked to 10 a.m. Saturday morning. For the course of the walk we held signs that said, “tumors in children we do not like them,” we walked through the nice, sunny May weather all the way to bar time with its abundance of inebriated drinkers and through the rain that started around 2 a.m.!

The Copper Rock provided us with a place to stay for the night as well as great coffee. We even got a ½ page article in the Appleton Post-Crescent. Over the 24-hour walk, 30 people joined us as we raised awareness about NF. Even some onlookers joined us for our cause! We are dedicated to raising awareness about NF and of course, having a little fun to. We want to say THANK YOU to all our walkers and all of the people who gave donations. We want to especially thank the Copper Rock coffee house who donated coffee and a place for walkers to rest between shifts. The walk is just one of the many events that are occurring this month to raise awareness about NF. Stay tuned for more event dates and times! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Little Walks for Life

On Saturday April 28, 2012, the Littlest Tumor Foundation was present at the Relay for Life event in the Kolf Center located on the UW-Oshkosh Campus. The event ran from 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and went until 4 a.m. on Sunday morning. LTF was there for the WHOLE 12 hours raising awareness about NF and some of our upcoming events. We had a “little” booth where the Relay for Life participants could sign up for the sam-i-am race that is on May 26, 2012. Check back soon for great events in May (NF month)!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Little's Big Thank You and Big Farewell

As I look back at this year’s Kids-on-Chemo Drive, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. The Fox Valley community rallied behind us in a big way! Littlest Tumor Foundation found themselves supported by a complete mix of community members including: fire fighters, neighbors, college students, schools, family, friends, and the list goes on... 
This particular Kids-on-Chemo Drive was a stand-alone event for the first time ever! It was a big task but the LTF crew pulled through with A LOT of help from volunteers, community members and participants.
The stars of the night, the headshavers, did an incredible job collecting pledges. No matter how big or small the amount collected, the donations we received will go to a great cause! I think a little recognition is in order:
Our Sami Cup recipient, raising $2900, was Linda Elliot. This was the second year she shaved her head for this event and we are so happy Linda uses her incredible drive to further our cause.
Other headshavers include Paul Williams, Kevin Martinson, Adam Mohr, Justin Dull, KC Stadler, Ryan Lee, Nick Davidson, Boyd Van Landghen, Zack Akin, and Brent Debenedet. We even had a few people sneak in without giving us their names! That is how eager the community was to help! In addition to headshavers, three lovely ladies donated their hair for Locks of Love: Kali Thompson, Sara Burns, and Megan Mau. 
Another key part of our event was our volunteers. We recruited the most amazing volunteers we could find! We wanted to give a BIG thank you to all those who donated their time and efforts to making this event the great success it was. 
This event also marks the end of my internship with the Littlest Tumor Foundation. What an experience! If I had to pick the most important thing that I am taking away from this experience, it would be this: Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves, even if it’s in a little way.
I am very thankful that I could be a part of the beginning stages of a foundation surely destined for greatness.