Oh veggies!
Today marks the end of the 7-Day Vegetarian Challenge. At first I was unsure if I’d be able to pull through but I did it. I never realized how often I ate meat with my meals. I am generally not a big red meat eater, but chicken is one of my staple foods. This week, my staple became trail mix, not a bad substitute but definitely not chicken.
So how did I do it? The internet (and the support of my roommate)! In my search for delicious and nutritious foods, I visited a ton of websites, including: FoodNetwork.com, food.com, recipes.com, etc. Needless to say, the internet was ultimately my savior. Throughout the week, I called myself an ovo-lacto vegetarian, meaning I did not cut out eggs or milk. I think that would have been too much of shock to my system because, believe me, I felt different. I’ll list some of my symptoms I experience below.
Symptoms of vegetarianism:
No energy: I had heard that this was possible and it is completely true. Your body will initially have a rough time adjusting and you may feel fatigued, but it’s supposed to get better after a week or two. For this reason, I chose trail mix to munch on. In order to get through this slump, you have to find something to substitute for the lack of protein and iron that you’d normally get with meat.
Stress: What do I make? If I make this or that am I still following the rules? These were questions I was bombarded with daily, but was able to overcome. Again, it was the internet that saved me, and the help of a vegetarian friend that has to work around a meat-eating spouse. I learned to really use my resources to lessen the stress of going vegetarian.
No time: The time issue was something I had to combat every day. I’m on the go every second of the day and found that I really had to think about what I was going to eat before I headed out in the morning. Being vegetarian takes a little extra time management in the beginning, but its doable.
Crankiness: I was totally cranky this week. I had the urge to just go pick something up at the end of a long day of work and found that I couldn’t, or if I did I had to be very selective and conscious about what I was choosing. The crankiness was of course accompanied by the lack of energy and stress but was something that can also managed with the proper planning.
Overall, the week was difficult and at this point, I have realized I am in no way ready to be a full-fledged vegetarian. Despite the difficulties of the week, it helped me to realize what I do put into my body and the ability to take steps toward a healthier me. What I do know, is that I will attempt to eat less meat in the future. I’m thinking I’m going to go towards the poultry route. I’ve learned a lot from this experience and although I cannot manage a strictly vegetarian diet at this point, I vow to make steps to lessen my meat and processed food intake.
Yours truly, Bailey
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