The Fight Against Neurofibromatosis
Tumor growth in children affects families, too
By Kimberly Klessig
Health and nutrition play an important part in family
wellness for children with health issues and their families. Both chronic and
catastrophic health issues in children really have an impact on entire family
Neurofibromatosis (NF), a little-known disorder that
begins in children with uncontrollable tumor growth in their bodies – such as in
the brain and spine – as well as a series of other significant health issues,
can create stress for children with the disorder and their families. First
hearing the diagnosis of NF creates emotional strain for everyone involved.
Currently, there is no known cure or effective
treatment for NF. The unpredictability of the tumors returning, even after
surgery, can send children and their families on emotional rollercoaster rides.
The financial strain for medical
expenses, such as chemotherapy treatments, surgeries, scans and procedures, can
also take a toll.
One way for families to alleviate some of that stress over
emotional and financial matters and to better focus on ways to balance the NF
health crisis and to build wellness, are through family wellness retreats.
These experiences are wonderful ways to provide families with opportunities to learn,
educate and promote family wellness.
Family wellness retreats for parents of children with
NF might include nutritional therapy, yoga, relaxation, doctor question and
answer periods, group support building sessions and nature walks. They also
provide time for families to strengthen bonds through the difficulties
inflicted by NF and the stress of the treatments.
There is a lot of literature that supports that stress
reduction and plant-based nutrition can have a positive effect in disease
One technique that can help families reduce the stress
from NF and its treatments is yoga. By doing yoga, participants connect with
themselves and others around them in a healthy and relaxing manner. When done
as a group, yoga can build bonds between NF families and create social networks
that can last a lifetime.
By following healthy, plant-based diets at the
wellness retreats, families reconnect with nutritious, wholesome foods.
Families can easily make these simple recipes together at home after the
retreat for very little cost. Despite the perils of childhood disorders and
diseases, family wellness retreats are a great way for families to form
connections with each other and cherish the time they spend together through
healthy and relaxing activities.
Kimberly Klessig is a master of social work intern at the Littlest
Tumor Foundation in Appleton, Wisconsin.
The Littlest Tumor Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to
find a preventive therapy and treatment for tumor growth in children. The
organization is dedicated to advocating for and raising research funds for NF,
empowering families, and raising awareness. Services offered for NF families
include: NF Family Wellness Retreats, NF Quarterly Talking Circles, NF
Educational Webinars and a variety of fundraisers. For more information, visit